Brent Campbell

Anoka City Council Candidate


A Bridge from Past to Future

My wife and I have lived in Anoka for 9 years and have chosen to remain here for our retirement because we love Anoka!  Its rich history, wonderful downtown, and scenic location at the confluence of the Rum and Mississippi Rivers have won our hearts.  I hope to use my leadership skills and experience to honor Anoka’s past while helping to plan and dream for Anoka’s bright future.

The Leadership Our City Needs

Brent is a leader who is open and transparent, practical, honest andd creative.


A Vision For The Future


I believe the Anoka City Council should: always be open and transparent in its work, be fiscally responsible with every dollar, treat every person with dignity and respect, honor our history while developing clear plans for a bright future for our city, and every Council member should adhere to the highest ethical standards.

Ready to take the next step and support Brent?

Get Involved

There are many ways to help Brent along the path to City Council member.

Don't Forget to Vote!

One of the most important rights of American citizens is the franchise—the right to vote. Please exercise your right, let your voice be heard! Vote on Tuesday, November 5, 2024!






